
Improving Your Florida Screen Room

Getting ready to spend more time in your Florida screen room this fall? When kept clean and tidy, this part of your home can be a great place to entertain, unwind and enjoy the outdoors (minus the insects, debris and occasional bad weather!). Here are a few ways you can get your screen room in shape for fall:

Avoid turning your screen room into a second garage.

Everyone wants a comfortable, enclosed outdoor space they can come to at the end of the day and just relax in—that’s probably why you installed a screen room in the first place! But to keep it as comfortable and serene as possible, it’s important to keep your screen room space separate from the items and occasional messes you find outdoors.

How do you know if you’re treating your screen room like a second garage or driveway? Do a quick scan of your space. If you see gardening tools, bikes, cleaning supplies and other similar items, you may want to reconsider your outdoor storage. Items like these can take up valuable entertaining space, and they can also bring unwanted dirt and clutter into your otherwise tidy screen room.

Sweep regularly.

This tip may be an obvious one—but sweeping your screen room’s floor is one of the most impactful and effective ways to make the entire space feel clean and tidy. Sweeping once a week (or about as often as you sweep/mop/vacuum your home’s interior floors) is an easy practice to follow and keep up. If there’s a big storm or you notice more leaves and debris are making their way into your screen room than normal, a quick sweep can keep these messes from piling up.

Keep screens clean.

As we mention in our screen cleaning post, having clean screens can make your screen room feel much tidier, like an extension of your home. Just as you would quickly scrub away any dirt or stains on your home’s interior walls, take care of any spots on your outdoor screens as soon as you see them—this will give the dirt or debris less time to set in, making cleanup an easier and quicker process.

Treat outdoor furniture like indoor furniture.

Finally, one of the best ways to improve your Florida screen room: treat your outdoor furniture like you would your indoor furniture! What does this mean exactly? For starters, it means picking out outdoor or patio furniture that’s inviting and comfy to sit in. If your furniture is older or worn down, you may want to consider picking up new cushions as a solution before turning to an entirely new set—because sometimes, a new fabric or freshly stuffed cushion is all you need to breathe new life into your furniture!

Outdoor furniture is heavily influenced by the weather outside. Before embarking on a furniture paint project, make sure that the products you’re using are suitable for outdoor use (because even though they’ll be in your screen room, they are still affected by changes in temperature, humidity and any precipitation that may find its way in).