
Importance of Hurricane Shutters

Hurricane Shutters are the first line of defense between your home and the outside elements. They protect your windows from high wind and flying debris. Once broken, a window can allow rain, wind, and debris to enter the home. They can also cause intense pressure on the roof and interior walls. If your roof collapses it will expose all the contents and possessions inside the home to the storm. Exterior hurricane shutters will help prevent this from happening.

Hurricanes and tropical storms are some of Mother Nature’s most powerful and devastating way of presenting herself. You must be prepared with exterior storm shutters to help protect your home. While you can evacuate your home to protect your family, pets and small valuables, your home must be strong enough to endure the storm. Protect it today with hurricane shutters from White Aluminum and Windows.

Hurricane Season occurs from June through November each year. The peak season occurs between August and October. Each year is unpredictable, delivering anything from a mild tropical storm with moderate rain and winds or a Category 5 hurricane, resulting in severe damage.

The most common types of hurricane shutters include: roll-down hurricane shutters, accordion hurricane shutters, and Bahama shutters. Each of these White Aluminum offers are constructed from aluminum. Some remain fixed to the home and others can be removed and stored till needed.

To find out more about how Hurricane Shutters can benefit you, give us a call or contact us today for a Free Estimate. Let us help determine what type will best suit you.