When thinking about the look and feel of our homes, we often spring for the style and decorative flourishes before we consider the practical ins and outs. Of course, some features–like a White Aluminum handrail–accomplish both!
Below, take a look at why this simple addition can make your home more beautiful (and livable) for years to come.
A light alternative
In a big way, handrails do what traditional staircase bannisters can’t–they provide helpful support, without being visually distracting since you can “see through” them to the colors and décor on either side of the rail. This factor also makes them a helpful addition in narrower spaces, where bulky structures may not work quite as well.
A versatile addition
Handrails no doubt provide an easy, effortless walk up or down the stairs in your home–but they have uses in other areas, too!
Many homes have a one or two-step descent into a den or main living area, for example. A handrail here can provide added support for all who come and go. For homeowners with limited mobility, handrails can be helpful in spots like the bathroom, kitchen, or just about anywhere else you need it.
Finally, if you have a step-down patio or even a balcony, a handrail is a safety essential that can make time spent outdoors easier than ever.
Style in handrail design
Thanks to their unique, simple look, handrails can actually serve as a style statement on their own. They can add a fresh, modern look to traditional spaces, and can help you achieve the feeling of distinct zones within one larger space or great room.
At White Aluminum, we can help you design a handrail that adds to the style and functionality of your home. Call us today to learn more!