How a Sunroom Keeps Cool

Sunrooms are an incredible way to create a stunning, sheltered space into your home all with an outdoor feel and without any of the drawbacks that come along with it. One of the biggest concerns that many people have with them however is how they keep cool.
2022 Trends in Home Improvement

Roofing, painting, flooring, siding, and windows are just some of the projects dominating remodeling trends. These projects can enhance the functionality and aesthetics of a home, and also significantly boost real estate values. Below are some of the most popular trends in real estate remodeling and renovations, in 2022.
How to Tell Your Windows Have Lost Their Seals

If you have vinyl windows in your Florida home, you know that one of the most important components is the window seal. If your window seal is broken, air and moisture from the outside can make their way inside fast. Some broken seals are fixable, but in other instances, you may be better off looking into replacing your vinyl windows. Here are three ways you can tell if your windows have lost their seals.